Kindle or how an E-reader can ruin your love life

Helena Heras
2 min readNov 12, 2014

I have an E-reader now. It was a grown-up gift that I asked my parents for my last birthday (after the polite “No, I don’t want anything. No, really”. Which finally — and inevitably — turned into, “Okay, fine, if giving ME presents makes YOU happy I guess I would like…”)

And an E-reader made sense.

In the previous months, I had found myself buying books according to the size. I had started separating literature by “books that fit in my bag” and “books I will only read at home because I don’t want to carry them around”.
The problem is, I barely read at home — TVshows are way too tempting — so I would always end up choosing the thin-ish option. Needless to say, hardcover editions were out of the question.

So I guess I could call an E-reader a necessity.

And it started quite well. I was reading more, my shoulders were happy and I went back to choosing books by title, not size. But after this honeymoon period I realized I had overlooked one crucial detail: I was so focused on the act of reading itself (how silly of me to think that was the most important thing!) I forgot about what I would look like while doing so in public.

I’ll tell you: uninteresting. Or at least, less interesting.

I’m holding a black rectangle now. No book cover, no notes in the margins, no bookmark from that hidden bookstore downtown. Nobody can tell what I’m reading or how far into the book I am.

Then again, I have an e-reader. And I guess that means I take my reading seriously. I guess that means that I came here to read and to read only. Forget about exchanging glances with people who are reading as well!

Apparently having a Kindle means that I’m closed for business.

With an e-reader people don’t get curious about what I’m reading, nobody tries to see the whole title while pretending to tie their shoe, no more shy smiles when they’re caught in the act.
And of course, I’ve lost all hope in finding my other half, who happens to be reading the same book. Because after all, how would he know we belong together?

Then I started wondering, is my love for reading great enough to let it ruin my chances to flirt in a café?



Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a cappuccino and an e-book waiting for me, immune to creepers who pretend to read while checking out the scenery. Oh wait, that guy is cute. Eyes on the screen. Eyes on the screen.

